The ability to gain and sustain an erection can become a problem for many men over the age of fifty years. The incidence of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) at the age of fifty is 10% of the population in the UK and increases by 1% per year thereafter. The physical causes of erectile dysfunction are as follows:
- diabetes
- medication (25% of ED is caused by medication)
- vascular disease
- depression
- age
- peripheral vascular disease
- alcohol
- local causes
- smoking
- prostatic surgery
- major abdominal surgery
- radiotherapy
50% of diabetics suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. Other causes of erectile disorders are local trauma to the genitalia, congenital spina bifida, and fractured pelvis. Some of the medications that may be implicated in ED are anti-hypertensive drugs, beta-blockers, H2 antagonists for acid reflux, NSAID (e.g. Nurofen).
The treatment of erectile dysfunction has changed dramatically in the last five to ten years with the introduction of PDE5 inhibitors, e.g. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. However, some men with severe vascular disorders and long-term diabetes may require intercavernosal injections, which is a relatively painless way of injecting a variety of different medications into the penis in order to gain an erection sufficient for penetration. The method of self-injection is taught to patients by Dr Moran in order for the correct dosage to be safely and painlessly injected.